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History of Azov

Origin of Azov rather ancient; it has been constructed by Greeks, and its favourable position has involved here extensive trade. For 115 years BC Azov has been won Mitridat Pontijsky; then by turns it Sarmatians, huns, hasars and pechenegs possessed. Presumably, in the end of Õ centuries it has qualifid as Vladimir's I who have given it together with Tmutarakan in destiny to son Mstislav power; and about 1067 it is obedient half-sheep and has received the present name - Azov. Having passed to genoeses (XIII century), Azov became perevalochno-warehouse item for their Indochina trade. Genoeses have strengthened its stone walls and towers. In 1395 Tamerlan has taken possession of a city, has razed it to the basis and though genoeses in 1400 have reinstated it, but it is already far not in a former kind. In 1471 the city is taken by Turks: and from now on owing to prohibition to the European courts to enter into Black sea, especially owing to opening of a marine way to India, trade in Azov has come to perfect decline. The Turkish government to avoid attacks of flotillas of the Don Cossacks to Crimea and to Northern Anatoly, has built here a fortress. To Cossacks this fortress was especially hated, because interfered with their exit to sea of Azov for trade and attacks. In June, 1637 Don people, supported with a part Cossacks, left from the Polish oppressions, have taken a fortress and have not kept in it live any person. From Azov Cossacks have made the whole series of roads on Black sea, inspired fear in Istanbul and called an unsuccessful siege of Azov Turks in 1641 (the Azov sitting). After that Cossacks have suggested Russian government to accept Azov under the power, but it was not ready to war with Turkey and has refused. In 1642 Cossacks, seeing difficulty to keep Azov own forces, have kept this fortress, previously having destroyed all fortification structures, and it has again passed in the power of the vizier the Penalty-mustafy. Significance "Azov seats", though and the Azov which has not ended with joining to Russian state, consists that process of ethnic integration of the Don Cossacks in the Russian superethnos has amplified. Since then Cossacks never supported the forces hostile to Russia. In 1695 Peter the Great besieged Azov, but in vain; however the next year with assistance of the Azov flotilla created by it has taken possession of a fortress.
After unsuccessful Prutsky campaign it has again passed to Turks. During Russian-Turkish war 1735-1739 fortress in 1736 has been taken by armies of general Lassi and on the Belgrad world 1739 already for ever remained beyond Russia. In 1775 Azov is made by an administrative centre newly established the Azov province. In 1782, after transfer of provincial management in Ekaterinoslavl, Azov is renamed again into a fortress, on March, 31st, 1810 - in posad the Rostov district of Ekaterinoslavsky province, and in 1888 is attached to Area of the Army Don and transferred under the Cossack control. In the end of XIX century in posad there was a 4-class man's programmar school, and also female and man's schools, trade has considerably fallen in connection with development of Rostov-on-Don. To 1926 Azov again receives the city status.

Source: Wikipedia

